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How You Can Reduce Water Waste| Local HVAC Experts



Plumbing fixtures are any device that interacts with water from your plumbing channels — whether it includes bringing in water or draining it. This means that our sinks, toilets, and tubs alike are all plumbing fixtures in our homes. From our pipes that bring water in, to the drains that remove them, there are many opportunities to go green by investing in eco-friendly plumbing fixtures. So, if you’re looking into how to reduce water waste, consider water-conserving plumbing fixtures.


Adding caps to your showers (as well as sinks) can add pressure to water spewing out. This aeration to the water builds pressure so that you can get the same (or even better) shower experience and save water — all without compromising the use of the water.


Another eco-friendly plumbing fixture to consider is a low-flow toilet. This is a great way to help reduce water waste. As we all know, each toilet flush uses a LOT of water. Low-flow toilets use a larger water surface area and aeration to water to decrease the overall amount of water used per flush. Comparing an old toilet that can use up to 2 gallons or even 5 gallons for very old toilets, the process in water conserving low-flow toilets can get the job done at a fraction of the water use, clocking at about 1-1.5 gallons of water per flush.


Water heater tanks are those giant tanks typically stored in garages containing a vast pool of water. Keeping these large storage tank water heaters in a centralized location means that we have to wait the traditional minute or so for water from the tanks to get to our faucets and showers — wherever they may be in our homes. Not only that, the costs associated with keeping a large tank full of hot water has high associated costs as well. Tankless water heaters are an eco-friendly and more convenient way of getting you to access to warm water always while reducing electricity use. By decentralizing heated water, you get access faster leading to less water waste.


Reverse Osmosis is the key to clean, refreshing water on demand. Say goodbye to the inconvenience to heavy 5-gallon water jugs and poor-quality tap water. RO is key in reducing water waste by giving you and your family a reason to say goodbye to unnecessary water bottle use. Investing in RO is cheaper than bottled water while also cleaning the quality of your water. Here is a recent article we wrote on the plastic use reduction available in Reverse Osmosis!


Opting for reusable products — such as reusable water bottles, metal, and reusable utensils, and more is key to reducing waste. Just processing when you toss something, think of how you can next time find an alternative to the item so that you’ll contribute less to waste. This may include bringing your own reusable bags, reusing a bag for other purposes (like a used grocery bag to pick up after your dog, etc.).

While some of these changes may be bigger investments (a new low-flow toilet for instance), some things such as shower caps or investing in sustainable products can be a cheap solution for you that saves money in the long-run, If you have questions on how your plumbing pipes and fixtures can be better optimized to reduce waste in your home, reach out to us today for some spiffy recommendations!